Why Is My Turtle Not Swimming?
Except for the tortoise, all the turtle species usually swim for a few hours each day, while others may swim more. The time also varies depending on their species. However, it’s concerning if the turtle does not swim at all. And you ask, why is your turtle not swimming?
Well, there could be several reasons why your turtle isn’t swimming or reduced the swimming time. The usual reasons are that tank water quality is poor, water could be too hot or cold, your turtle tank may be stuffed with things blocking the swimming area, or your turtle could be hurt, scared, stressed, or sick.
This blog has covered all the possible causes of swimming problems in turtles and how you can help them back to swimming with a few other related topics. So, if you’re interested, let’s dive in.
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All The Reasons Why Your Turtle May Not Be Swimming: Causes of Swimming Problems In Turtles
If your turtle isn’t swimming, there could be a few reasons. And here are some common possibilities:

1. Water Temperature:
The ideal water temperature for turtles is between 70- and 85-degrees Fahrenheit. This range provides the turtles with the necessary warmth to maintain their metabolism and body temperature.
If the water is too cold, the turtles will become sluggish and may even stop eating, swimming, or moving. However, if the water is too hot, the turtles can suffer from dehydration.
2. Quality of the Water:
Another reason why your turtle may not be swimming is because of low water quality. If the tank water is dirty or murky and is unfavored to the turtle, it may don’t want to swim in that water.
3. Health Issue:
Also, there could be something wrong with your turtle’s health. If it’s not feeling well, it’s likely that it won’t want to swim. From health issues, the turtle will stop eating and will act lethargic.

So, check the turtle thoroughly or visit the nearest vet to identify the illness and give it the necessary treatment.
4. Body Temperature:
Turtles are cold-blooded creatures, so they rely on the temperature of their environment to regulate their body temperature. If the body temperature of your turtle is lower than the water, the turtle may not be interested in swimming.
Hence, have a good heater during the colder days to keep them warm. And always check the temperature, and maintain the 70–85-degree Fahrenheit.
5. Turtle is Stressed or Scared:
Sometimes, turtles get stressed or scared from something, like too many people, not enough hiding places, or noise. That can prevent them from their usual activity. Therefore, your job is to find the cause and solve it.
6. Turtle is Tired:
Another reason is your turtle could be tired. If your turtle has been swimming a lot or is too active, it may just need a break. By reducing the activity, turtles gain the lost energy.

7. Tank is Stuffed:
Also, turtle needs enough space for swimming or moving freely in the water. If your tank happens to have too many things, they could be blocking the swimming area. So, the turtle couldn’t enjoy the swim.
And you have to remember this, spending some time from the water could be normal for a turtle. But, if your turtle is not swimming at all for a few days, that is concerning. Then, visit a professional for a checkup.
Why My Red-Eared Slider Not Swimming?
If your red-eared slider isn’t swimming, it could be that the water is too cold, the tank isn’t big enough, or something in the water is stressing your turtle out.

Second, your turtle may not be feeling well. If it’s not swimming and seems lethargic, take it to the vet to make sure everything is okay
Finally, your turtle may be bored. If it’s been in the same tank for a while, try adding some new toys or enrichment items. This could be anything from a floating turtle dock to new plants or hiding places.
Why Is My Baby Turtle Not Swimming?
When your baby turtle isn’t swimming, first, check to see whether the turtle is healthy and has no injuries. If the turtle is sick or injured, it likely won’t be able to swim.

It’s also possible that the water in the turtle’s tank is too cold. Turtles need warm water to swim, so the cold water prevents the baby turtle from swimming.
However, if the water is at the right temperature and the turtle is healthy, it’s possible that the turtle is just lazy! Some turtles don’t swim much, even when they’re healthy.
Why Is My Turtle Just Floating?
Did you ever wonder why your turtle is just floating around in its tank? You’re not alone. While it may look like they’re taking a leisurely swim, there’re actually reasons behind this behavior.
One reason could be that your turtle is not getting enough food and is trying to get more by floating up to the surface. Also, your turtle could be sick and having trouble swimming or taking a break with a nap.

Moreover, turtles are buoyant, meaning they have a natural ability to float. This is due to the fact that their bodies are primarily composed of water. When they’re in their natural habitat, this enables them to stay afloat and avoid predators.
Can Turtles Forget How to Swim?
Turtles are often considered to be excellent swimmers. They have webbed feet that help them move through the water with ease, and they are known to be able to hold their breath for long periods of time.
However, there is one surprising fact about turtles that many people are unaware of – they can actually forget how to swim! It may sound hard to believe, but it is true.
If a turtle is taken out of the water for a long period of time, it may forget how to swim. This is because they rely on the water to help them move their legs.

Without the water to provide resistance, they simply do not know how to move their legs in a way that will propel them through the water.
However, another theory claim that turtles cannot forget how to swim. But a few things can impact a turtle’s ability to swim effectively, like water temperature, tiredness, quality of water, or health issues in your turtle.
Why Is My Turtle Staying Out of The Water?
If your turtle is spending more time out of the water, there could be a few reasons why. It could be that the water is too cold for your turtle, or there could be something wrong with the water itself.
However, if your turtle is healthy and happy, it’s probably just taking a break from swimming and basking in the sun for a bit. And there is nothing to worry about.
How Do I Get My Turtle to Swim?
To bring your turtle back to the water, you can do a few things to help.
1. Get a bigger tank. A turtle needs at least 10 gallons of water per inch of shell. So, if your turtle has a 4-inch shell, you’ll need a 40-gallon tank.
2. Keep the water clean. Turtles are messy eaters and produce a lot of waste. Be sure to clean the tank and filter regularly.

3. Add a basking area. Turtles need a warm, dry place to bask in order to regulate their body temperature. A basking area can be created with a piece of driftwood or a reptile basking platform.
4. Provide a diet rich in calcium. A healthy diet is essential for all turtles, but it’s especially important for swimming turtles. A diet rich in calcium will help keep your turtle’s shell strong.
5. Give your turtle regular exercise. Turtles are natural swimmers and love to swim. Encourage your turtle to swim by adding toys or floating objects to the tank.
6. Add some toys or floating objects to the tank to encourage your turtle to swim around more.
Final Saying:
When turtles stop swimming, it could be because the water temperature or quality isn’t suitable for them. Also, if your turtle is sick, injured, stressed, or scared, it might stop swimming.
Hence, check our guidelines and find out your reason. Then apply the above suggestions to bring your turtle back to the water. But if you can’t get the turtle back in the water, visit a professional vet to find the problem.