Is It Safe To Touch Pet Cremated Ashes? Nursing Pets
Are you planning on disposing of your beloved pet’s cremated ashes? There is a couple of options. You can bury the ashes in your backyard or scatter them at a beach or your pet’s favorite walking spot. Whatever option you choose, you may have to touch the ashes.
Now, you might be wondering, is it safe to touch pet cremated ashes? Yes, pet cremated ashes are absolutely safe to touch. Since the ashes are burned at a high temperature, no bacteria and viruses are alive. During a botched scattering or a burial in your backyard, the ashes won’t harm your skin.
Many pet owners have a few more queries regarding pet cremated ashes. As a pet lover, you need to know all about that. That’s why we’re going to talk about some of them, including whether pet cremated ashes are toxic or not, if they carry any disease, etc.
Wanna know how to mail pet cremated ashes? Here is an article for you. Click here!
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What Are Pet Cremated Ashes?
You may know what cremation is. This is a method of turning a creature’s dead body into ashes for final disposition. Human or pet ashes are different from ashes from charcoal or burned wood. They’re entirely made up of bones.

Pet cremated bones mainly consist of calcium phosphate. However, other minerals, particularly sodium, potassium, and carbon, are out there in varying degrees. Once you have your pet cremated, the weight of the ashes will often be nearly 3.5% of your pet body weight.
Are Pet Cremated Ashes Toxic?
No, pet cremated ashes are not toxic at all because the cremation process doesn’t release any harmful toxins in the air. These ashes can’t seriously harm humans. They won’t lead people to instant death as well even if handled incorrectly.

However, pet cremated ashes may trouble you if they go into your eyes, nose, or mouth. The principal component of cremated ashes is calcium phosphate, known to cause various irritation. So, some people may feel uncomfortable while scattering their pet ashes.
Can Pet Ashes Harm Your Skin?
Pet cremated ashes are said to be nontoxic. That’s why they’re not harmful to your skin. However, some people have skin and respiratory irritations of pet cremated ashes because the principal component of cremated ashes, calcium phosphate, is known for that.

If you have such a problem, how will you protect yourself? Wear full sleeve gloves while scattering the ashes to avoid direct contact with them. Once you get ash on your skin, in your eyes or mouth, wash it off right now. For that, wear a face mask and sunglasses.
Can Pet Ashes Carry Diseases?
Pet ashes cannot carry any disease because any pathogens cannot be alive at a high temperature of 1400°F. In fact, most bacteria are killed at 150°F. Even if your pet dies of a contagious disease, and it’s cremated, the ashes won’t carry any disease.

So, if your beloved pet dies of a tragic illness, don’t be afraid of giving it the respect it deserves. Spread its ashes where it usually walks or make a memorial in your backyard. You can also keep the ashes in an urn at home for years.
What Happens If You Accidentally Inhale Pet Ashes?
When you’re scattering ashes on a windy day, some cremated ashes may go in your mouth even if you have done it before. What if this type of unpleasant incident happens to you? We assure you that you’re not in deep trouble.

However, the calcium phosphate in the ashes can make you feel slightly irritated. If you start feeling uncomfortable for longer, visit your doctor for a check-up. Calcium phosphate has not been proved to be one of the causes of death. So, don’t need to panic.
Can You Get Sick From Pet Cremated Ashes?
You cannot get sick from pet cremated ashes. They don’t lead you to extreme sickness because the natural deposits of calcium don’t emit toxic gases when burned. They don’t have any risk of heavy metal poisoning as well.

Many people ask if they can get sick after eating pet cremated ashes. Cremated remains include calcium, sodium, and carbon, all of which humans can digest. Apparently, ashes don’t taste that great. So, it’s better to keep yourself away.
Final Words
In a nutshell, pet cremated ashes are safe to touch. The cremated remains are not toxic. They don’t carry any disease. Besides, they’re not harmful to your skin. If you accidentally inhale some ashes, don’t be panic. If you’re feeling uncomfortable for longer, consult a doctor.
By the way, we hope you have learned a lot about whether pet cremated ashes are safe or not. If you have a bad experience in inhaling cremains, let us know what you did below in the comment section.
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