Can Baby Turtles Live With Fish?
Keeping several animals in the same environment might seem appealing if you are an animal lover. Turtle owners often nurture their baby turtles along with their fish. However, some are unsure whether they can keep these two species together, wondering the question, “can baby turtles live with fish?”
Indeed, baby turtles can live with fish. But all turtle species can’t get along with all fish species. Besides, you must consider several other factors if you want to keep these animals together in a turtle tank or pond, like the size of the enclosure, water condition, etc.
Below, we briefly described what you should consider and discussed relevant facts in the question-answer format. So, let’s read on.
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Can You Put Baby Turtles And Fish In The Same Tank?
You can keep baby turtles and fish in the same tank, but you must consider some factors, which we have described in another section of this article. For now, let’s know that you can keep these different animals in the same tank.

So, if you can put baby turtles and fish in the same tank, which fish can you keep with the baby turtles? Let’s answer the question, “what fish can I put with my baby turtle?”
Before describing what fishes are safe to keep with baby turtles, let’s talk about a significant fact you need to consider when putting fish in a turtle tank.
First, we recommend choosing hearty and large fish, as baby turtles can’t consume such fish. Also, if the fish can swim swiftly, it will be challenging for baby turtles to catch and consume the fish.
So, if you are searching for the answer to the question “can small fish live with baby turtles?” or “will a baby turtle eat my fish?”, we hope now you understand that small fish can scarcely make it in the turtle tank.

Now, let’s name a few fish you can keep with baby turtles. You can put a wide variety of suckerfish like plecos as these fish grow large and can survive in a turtle tank. Besides, you can keep guppies since they are agile and quick swimmers. So, if you wonder, “can guppies live with baby turtles?” there’s your answer.
Alongside guppies, you can also place Pictus catfish, comet goldfish, neon tetras, danios, mollies, platies, and white cloud mountain minnows. These are all peaceful fish that can help to create a harmonious environment.
Are There Any Species of Turtles That Won’t Eat Fish?
Indeed, many turtle species don’t eat fish, and some even don’t scavenge dead fish. For example, mud turtles don’t consume fish; they gobble insects and worms.

Besides, box turtles, Reimann’s longnecks, Texas river cooter, and more turtle species don’t devour fish. But you must keep them well fed; otherwise, there is a high chance these reptiles may eat your pet fish due to hunger.
Can Baby Turtles Live With Fish in a Pond?
Indeed, baby turtles can live with fish in a pond. If the pond is large enough and contains all the elements turtles need to survive, these baby reptiles can happily live with fish in a pond.

But there is a high possibility that baby turtles can consume other fish smaller than them if they aren’t well fed. Also, they may compete with fish for food.
Alternatively, some pond fish, like the adult koi, can eat baby turtles. So, you must consider this fact while placing your pet baby turtle in a pond.
What to Consider When Putting Baby Turtles and Fish Together
There are a couple of factors to consider while putting baby turtles and fish together. Below we have shared all the facts, so let’s jump straight into it without delay.
Species Compatibility:
You can’t keep all kinds of baby turtle species with any fish since both animals can gobble each other. Besides, they can create great havoc and ruin their habitats, leading them to suffer a lot.

So, you must choose specific turtle species to keep with particular fish in the same tank or pond.
Enclosure Size
Another crucial factor to consider while putting baby turtles and fish together is the size of their enclosure. If you intend to keep these varied species in a pond, ensure the pond offers enough space for them to live.
On the contrary, if you wanna keep them in a turtle or fish tank, we recommend choosing a large tank of at least 50-100 gallons.
Water Quality
Both turtles and fish require dechlorinated water with adequate water temperature and pH level to thrive. That said, before putting these animals in a tank or any other enclosure, you must ensure the water quality meets their requirements.

FYI, it will be better if the water temperature remains around 76 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH level stays within 7.5. Such a water temperature and pH level will be ideal for both species.
Besides ensuring the water temperature and pH level, inspect whether the water is free from contaminants. If you suspect the tank water contains impurities, you can install a biological or canister filter to remove pollutants.
Basking Area & Hiding Spots
Turtles need basking areas to regulate their body temperature, and fish need hiding spots. Hence, you must ensure that your fish or turtle tank has such features.
You can add these attributes manually if your tank doesn’t feature a basking area or any hiding spots. After adding or building a basking area, please mount a UVB light over the space where turtles rest.

Speaking of hiding spots for fish, you can utilize various equipment to make hiding spots, including natural or synthetic plants, miniature sunken ships, terracotta pots, PVC pipes, and more.
Hence, these are all the facts you must know before putting baby turtles in a fish tank or placing fish in a turtle aquarium.
Some Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Keep Baby Turtles & Fish In The Same Enclosure
Though witnessing fish and baby turtles in the same pond or tank will be a mesmerizing sight, you won’t be fortunate enough to enjoy the view for some reasons. Below, we have outlined those causes. Hence, let’s read.

- As you know, turtles are omnivores that pursue fish and can consume fish if your turtles aren’t well-fed. Also, the same thing happens to your baby turtles if your pond or tank contains fish that eat turtles.
- Both species can compete for food. Consequently, they won’t get enough food and nutrition to thrive.
- You must own a large tank or pond to provide fish and baby turtles with enough room they need to survive.
- Maintaining the tank can be a hassle, and many people find it challenging to make a suitable habitat for fish and turtles.
- Some turtle species and fish don’t get along with each other.
So, these are the reasons why you can’t keep baby turtles and fish in the same enclosure.
Final Words:
Baby turtles and fish can cohabit in the same environment if you provide them with the required elements for survival. But before putting baby turtles and fish in the same enclosure, you must remember that you can only keep some turtle and fish species in the same tank or pond.
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