Why My Turtle Keeps Swimming Against The Glass?
If you’ve ever kept a pet turtle, you may have noticed that they tend to swim towards the glass of their enclosure and remain there for a time. So, you’re wondering why does my turtle keep swimming against the glass?
There could be several reasons for it. First, it could signify that your turtle is feeling stressed or anxious. Secondly, turtles are attracted to light so that the glass may be drawing it in. Also, turtles are curious creatures and explore their surroundings. Finally, your turtle may simply be enjoying the movement of the water and view of the outside world.
Moreover, this swimming behavior can come from a few more reasons. This article tries to uncover all of those and a few more related topics. Hence, if you’re looking for the same information, you’re in the right place.
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All the Reasons Why Your Turtle Keeps Swimming Against the Glass?
While swimming against the glass may seem like your turtle is just trying to escape, it’s not the case all the time. Yeah, sometimes your turtle could get bored and wanna get out of the tank.
However, there are a few more reasons they might be engaging in this behavior. Some of the common reasons why your turtle keeps swimming against the glass are:

One explanation is that turtles are attracted to the light that shines through the glass. Turtles are ectotherms, meaning that they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature.
Since they’re cold-blooded, they’ll often bask in the sun to warm up. But if your turtle’s enclosure is located in a shady spot, the glass may be the only place where they can get enough light.
Another possibility is that your turtle is simply curious about what’s happening outside its tank. It may see people walking by and want to look. Or, if you have other pets in the house, your turtle may be trying to get a glimpse.
However, you need to make sure that their enclosure is large enough for them to move around and have access to plenty of food and water.

Sometimes, turtles swim against the glass of their aquarium because the water level is too low. Turtles need to be able to rest their head on something above the waterline.
Therefore, the low water level makes them swim up to the glass in search of a place to rest. Hence, you should keep track of the water level of your turtle tank.
And yes, sometimes your turtle may try to escape from the tank. And it could be because the tank isn’t big enough, or the water isn’t clean. Hence, the small tank and unclean water can make your turtle feel cramped.
So, keep track of your turtle’s tank water level and condition. If the water isn’t clean enough, your turtle may be trying to get away from the ammonia and other toxins that have built up in the water.
Moreover, your turtle could be trying to get to a particular spot in its enclosure. If the turtle isn’t able to reach that location, it may become frustrated and swim against the glass.
Also, your turtle may be pregnant, sick, or injured. If the turtle is in pain, it may swim erratically, including swimming against the glass. If you suspect that your turtle is sick, pregnant, or injured, take it to a vet for treatment.

Next, do you provide enough attention and spend time with your turtle? Sometimes, pet turtles swim towards the glass to get your attention. Turtles are social creatures and need interaction with their owners.
Therefore, you should spend more time with your turtle and give her proper attention. This could prevent your turtle from erratic swimming behavior.
And a healthy diet is important for a pet turtle to keep it fit and active. A proper turtle diet includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and proteins. A bad diet can cause erratic swimming behavior in a turtle.
These are the most common reasons that can cause your turtle to swim against the glass or erratically. However, if you can’t figure out the problem, please take it to a professional vet for a thorough examination.
What Could Happen from Turtle’s Swimming Against the Glass:
So, now you know there could be multiple reasons why your pet turtle swims against the glass. But is there anything you need to worry about?
While this may seem like harmless behavior, it can be quite harmful to your turtle. Swimming against the glass can cause your turtle to develop shell problems.
The constant rubbing against the glass can wear away at the shell, causing it to become thin and weak. This can make your turtle more susceptible to infection and disease.

In addition, swimming against the glass can also damage your turtle’s lungs. The constant pressure of the water against the glass can cause your turtle to take in too much water, leading to respiratory problems.
Therefore, it’s important to identify the cause and take corrective action as soon as possible. However, if you can’t spot the problem yourself, visit the professionals for a solution.
In the next part of this blog, we’ll be discussing some possible measures you can take to prevent your turtle from erratic swimming behavior.
How to Stop Your Turtle from Swimming Against the Glass?
As discussed in the previous section, swimming against the glass can be harmful to your turtle. And you should take proper corrective actions to prevent them from doing so.
First, make sure that your turtle’s aquarium is large enough. Turtles need plenty of space to swim and explore, so a small tank is not ideal. So, don’t compromise with their home size.
If you’re looking for a 20 gallons turtle tank, you can check this one.

Next, provide your turtle with plenty of hiding places and toys. A stressed turtle is more likely to swim against the glass, so giving it a comfortable and enriching environment can help reduce this behavior.
Also, provide various substrates for your turtle to swim through, including sand, gravel, rocks, or live plants. A variety of textures and shapes will help keep your turtle’s interest and give it a more stimulating environment.
Moreover, your turtle tank must have a good busking spot. Sometimes, people ignore this point. But, having a quality basking spot for turtles is almost mandatory. If you’re wondering which basking spot to have, check this product.

And, always keep track of your water level and condition. Don’t let the water become dirty or toxic for your reptile buddy. Also, never let the water level become too low.
Turtles are notoriously messy eaters, and a dirty tank can lead to health problems for your pet. A good filter will help keep the water clean and help your turtle stay healthy.
Here’s is one of the best filters you can use for your turtle tank.

Also, don’t forget to spend some quality time with your pet turtle. You can at least have a check on it while passing through its tank. Turtle loves social interaction, and it’s good for your turtle to stay happy and healthy.
Moreover, you can do a few more things to help your turtle feel more comfortable in its enclosure: make sure the tank has plenty of hiding spots, enough space for swimming and exploring, and keep the environment clean.
Finally, if your turtle is still swimming towards the glass, you may need to consult a veterinarian. There could be an underlying medical condition that is causing this behavior.
By getting your turtle checked out, you can ensure that it stays healthy and happy. Also, don’t forget to have a regular checkup to keep your pet buddy safe.
Why Is My Turtle Digging at The Glass?
Turtles are natural diggers and like to burrow in the sand or mud. If your turtle is kept in an aquarium with a glass bottom, it may try to dig at the glass in an attempt to escape or find a place to hide.
You can do a few things to stop your turtle from digging at the glass. First, make sure that the turtle has plenty of places to hide in its enclosure. This could include rocks, logs, or plants.

Second, you can try covering the bottom of the tank with a layer of sand or gravel. That will give the turtle something to dig in and may deter it from trying to escape.
Finally, you can provide the turtle with a digging box. It can be a small container filled with sand or mud that the turtle can dig in. If your turtle is still digging at the glass, it may be a sign that it is stressed or unhappy.
Hence, try to determine what is causing the stress and see if there is anything you can do to fix the problem. If you can’t figure it out, you may need to consult a veterinarian.
Why My Turtle Keeps Swimming in The Corner?
It could be a sign that something is wrong. While it’s normal for turtles to spend time in the corners, it could be a sign of a health problem or others if your turtle is spending all its time in one corner.
One possible reason for this behavior is that your turtle is sick. If your turtle is swimming in the corner and seems lethargic or has a loss of appetite, it could be ill. Therefore, it needs a health checkup.

Another possibility is that there is something wrong with the water in the tank. If the water is dirty or there isn’t enough oxygen in the water, your turtle may be trying to get away from the bad water conditions.
Other than those, it can cause by the reasons we have mentioned above for swimming against the glass. Therefore, you need to identify the exact cause and take corrective actions.
Why Do My Turtles Swim into The Glass When They See Me?
You may have noticed that your turtle enjoys swimming towards the glass when you’re around. It may be like the turtle is trying to hug you. There are a few reasons why turtles swim toward their owners.
One reason your turtle may swim toward you is that it is seeking food. If you often feed your turtle by hand, it may associate you with food and swim towards you whenever it is hungry.

Another reason your turtle may swim toward you is that it enjoys your company and looks for attention. Just like other pets, turtles can form bonds with their owners and may enjoy being around them.
If you spend time interacting with your turtle each day, it may start to swim toward you when it sees you as a way of saying hello.
Moreover, your turtle could be curious about its reflection on the glass. Turtles have been known to mistake their reflection for another turtle and swim towards it.
Also, turtles sometimes can feel the warmth of the human body. And they’re often attracted to heat. So, if you are warm, your turtle may try to reach you. That’s why it swims towards you.
Finally, it could be a sign that your turtles are stressed. If they are constantly swimming into the glass while you’re around, it could be a sign that they aren’t comfortable in their environment and trying to tell you that.
However, no matter the reason, it is always flattering to have a pet that enjoys your company so much that it wants to swim toward you!
Final Words:
Turtles are curious and interesting animals. Sometimes their behavior could surprise you, like -swimming towards the glass. And this behavior can be caused by stress, pain, illness, attention-seeking, escape from an unfavorable environment, etc.
After reading this article, you can easily identify the problem and take the appropriate measure. But, if you’re unable to find the cause, it’s best to visit a professional vet and have a consult.
Image Source: Canva.com and istockphoto.com