Why Are Turtles So Slow?
Turtle is a reptile found in many parts of the world. Around 350 turtle and tortoise species have been identified. Turtles are all slow-moving creatures. That’s why they have to be the butt of many jokes. But there is a reason for their sluggishness.
So, why are turtles so slow? The primary reasons are- turtles have low/slow metabolism and are vegetarian. Therefore, they don’t have to chase for food. Hence no need to be faster. Also, they have a heavy and hard shell that protects them from predators. They move slowly and keep body parts near the shell to protect their soft body while carrying the extra weight.
There are a few more reasons why turtles move at a slower pace. We’ve discussed all those reasons and a few more related topics in this blog. Therefore, if you’re interested in these matters, this article is for you.
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All the Reasons for Turtle’s Sluggishness
While there are a few different reasons why turtles move so slow, the most well-known reasons are:
Turtles’ bodies are designed for life in water. They have a low center of gravity, which allows them to move easily through the water. Also, Turtle’s flattened shell helps them move easily, and the tails help them steer the water.

Moreover, Turtle’s legs are designed for swimming, not for walking. In fact, when turtles walk on land, they often use their claws to help them move. So, they can’t move much faster on land.
Another reason is that- turtles are ectothermic, which means the environment regulates their body temperature. If the temperature is too hot or cold, they will move more slowly to conserve energy.
Furthermore, turtles have a low metabolic rate. Hence, they don’t need to eat or drink as often as other animals. That also contributes to their slow movement. Also, turtles are herbivorous and not predatory animals. Therefore, there is no reason for them to hurry.
Turtles also have a large and heavy shell that makes it difficult to move quickly. And they’re not agile animals. So, the weight of the shell, less agility, and their natural muscle developments aren’t very friendly to move faster.
Moreover, turtles’ slow movement makes them an easy target. And they can’t dodge predators easily or outrun them. That’s is why they keep their legs near the shell and move slowly. Therefore, if they feel threatened or get attacked, they pull in the legs immediately.

When turtles are not moving, they can enter into a torpor state. Their heart rate and breathing slow down in this state, and they need less energy. So, while turtles may seem slow to us, they are actually very efficient creatures.
Lastly, slow movement doesn’t attract others. Turtle’s slow movement makes them hard to notice by the predatory animals. Therefore, slow movement helps stay safe and away from the attraction.
Are Turtles Slow Because of Their Shell?
Not entirely; in fact, some experts don’t even consider the shell as a factor that affects the Turtle’s movement. They argue the slowness is entirely based on their muscle structure.
However, the shell does play a small role in the Turtle’s sluggishness to some extent.

According to marine experts, turtles move slowly because they are cold-blooded animals, and their metabolism is not as fast as that of other animals. Additionally, they have low muscle mass, which also contributes to their slow movement.
Are Tortoises Slower Than Turtles?
There are many different species of tortoise and Turtle, with varying speeds. However, on average, tortoises are thought to be slower than turtles.
Tortoises have a heavier build and tend to live in areas where the terrain is more difficult to navigate, such as in deserts or jungles.

On the other hand, Turtles are more agile and live in more open environments, such as rivers and lakes. That said, there are some exceptions to this rule.
For example, the leopard tortoise, a type of tortoise, is one of the fastest land reptiles in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 mph.
So, while tortoises are generally slower than turtles, some species of tortoise and turtle can move quite quickly. Turtles and tortoises that live in the water tend to be faster than those on land.
Are Turtles Lazy?
While turtles are not as active as other animals, they are not lazy. They have developed a lifestyle that works well for them and allows them to survive in difficult conditions. Turtles spend a lot of time resting, and they are not very fast or agile.
Turtles have a reputation for being lazy, and there is some truth to this. However, this does not mean that turtles are lazy.

In fact, turtles are very efficient animals, and they have adapted to a lifestyle that takes advantage of their slow movements.
Moreover, turtles can survive in harsh environments by resting and conserving energy. They can go for long periods without food or water, and they can hide from predators by remaining still.
Turtles also move slowly so that they can avoid being seen or heard.
Are Turtles Slow or Fast in Water?
Turtles, like most animals, exhibit a range of speeds depending on the circumstances. In general, they are relatively slow when moving on land.
However, they can move quite quickly in water, thanks to their streamlined, torpedo-like shape and powerful flippers.

That makes them well-suited to life in the water, where they can hunt for food, evade predators, and travel long distances. In fact, some turtles have been known to migrate hundreds of miles between different habitats.
So, the answer to the question “are turtles fast in water?” is yes, they can move quickly when they need to. But they are still slower than most other animals, so don’t expect them to outpace a fast water species!
How Fast Are Turtles in Water?
Turtles are one of the slowest creatures on land, but they are surprisingly fast in the water. The average speed of a turtle in water is about 2.5 (approximately 4 Km) mph, but some turtle species can reach around 20 (approximately 30.2 km) mph.

According to one study, the average speed of a turtle in water is approximately 0.5 (about 0.8 Km) mph. That is based on a study that observed the average speed of 25 turtles swimming in a tank of water.
While this is the average speed, there is some variation in the speeds of different turtles.
Why Are Turtles Slow on Land and Fast in Water?
Turtles are slow on land because their legs are not designed for running. Their legs are more like paddles, which help them move quickly through the water. The shells on their backs also help them move quickly in the water by providing a lot of drag.

Moreover, turtles are also able to hold their breath for a long time, which allows them to stay underwater for an extended time. Therefore, they’re better adapted for the water environment than the land surface.
Can Turtles Run?
There are many myths about turtles. One is that they can’t run. But can they? The short answer is yes; turtles can run. But they’re not very fast. Turtles are good runners because of their four legs.

Their front legs are specially adapted for running. They use these legs to quickly move from one place to another when they’re in danger.
Turtles can also use their legs to swim. They use them to paddle through the water and move quickly. So, while turtles can run, they’re not very fast. But they can still outrun some predators.
How Fast Can a Turtle Go?
Turtles are slow-moving creatures and can typically only move a few miles per hour. However, a few species of turtles can move a bit faster. The snapping Turtle is one of the faster turtles and can move up to 10 miles per hour.
The diamondback terrapin is also a fast turtle and can move up to 17 miles per hour. Based on the turtle species and the weight, the speed will vary.
In the below, we have provided a table for some turtle species and their top speed with the probable weight:
Turtle Species | Top/Highest Speed | Approximate Weight |
Flаtbасk ѕеа Turtle | 15 mрh | 80-120 Kg. |
Green ѕеа Turtle | 19 mрh | 100-300 Kg. |
Hawksbill ѕеа Turtle | 15 mрh | 80-120 Kg. |
Kеmр’ѕ rіdlеу ѕеа turtlе | 17 mрh | 40-80 Kg. |
Olive rіdlеу ѕеа Turtle | 17 mрh | 50-100 Kg. |
Lоggеrhеаd sea turtle | 15 mрh | 150-600 Kg. |
Leatherback ѕеа turtlе | 22 mрh | 250-750 Kg. |
How Can I Make My Turtle Run Faster?
You can do a few things to help your Turtle run faster. First, make sure your Turtle has a good diet. Feed your turtle healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, and avoid feeding your turtle junk food. Also, make sure your turtle gets plenty of exercises.

Play with your Turtle in the yard or take it outside for a walk. You can also buy your Turtle a running wheel to help it stay fit. If you do all of these things, your Turtle will be running like a pro in no time!
Final Words
Among the several reasons why turtles are slow, the most common reasons are- their slow metabolism, heavy shells, and body structure aren’t well-suited for agility. Their hard shell is a protective armor. So, they kept their body parts near it.
But all of those factors also help make turtles very good at surviving. They can hide in their shells to avoid danger and go for long times without food or water. So even though they may not be the fastest creatures on the planet, they are one of the hardiest.
- National Geographic
- Blue Planet Aquarium
Image Credit: canva.com/photos