How To Catch A Feral Cat With A Net: A Complete Guideline
There are 60 million feral cats wandering around the country. Most of them never ever had contact with a human. In Australia, the feral cat became a severe problem for their ecological balance. The good news for us is that our feral cats didn’t become this much threat.
If you notice a feral cat around the house and want to capture that one, or a one is bothering you or your family. Your pet birds and other pet animals can become prey to the feral cats.
You can buy a cat trap cage from the market, which will automatically close the door if the cat gets inside.
There is another way to catch a feral by using the net. So, how to catch a feral cat with a net?
We don’t recommend you to try a feral cat with a net. Because it needs experience and training. Also, there is a possibility you can get yourself injured. So, it’s better to let the net catching handle by the professionals.
Even then, if you want to catch a feral cat with a net, keep reading, follow our guidelines, you will know how to do it. Let’s hop into the main section.
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How to catch a feral cat with a net

You shouldn’t. Yeah, that’s right; we don’t advise you to catch a feral cat with a net or any other hand equipment. Since it’s a difficult task and there is a high probability you or the cat will get injured. Even if you succeed in capturing one, it’s difficult to transfer or extract the cat into a trap or cage.
Using net or hand equipment requires a certain level of experience. Hence, it’s better to leave these methods for professionals.
Still, if you’re interested in catching a feral cat with a net, or it’s become an emergency for you. You should follow the guidelines below.
Here are the steps for how to catch a feral cat with a net:
Step 1- Identify the Location:
First of all, you should identify the location where the feral cat has been frequently seen. Mark out a place where you can easily put some bait food and spacious.
Remember to choose an open place, because net catching requires some space to move around.
Pick a place where people’s movements are few and quiet. Otherwise, the cat may flee away with the other noise.
Step 2 – Use Smelly Foods as Bait:
Some popular cat’s baits are oiled tune, canned cat food, canned salmon, roaster or fried chicken, poultry, and sardines. Cats are highly attached to smelly foods with substantial protein and fats. They have a fine sense of smell; they will seek out the food.
Step 3- Create a Friendly Environment:
Always remember to become or show a friendly attitude towards the cat. If he/she doesn’t trust you, they won’t come near you and your food.
So, keep the net out of their sight and let them have the food first. You may give the food for one or two days without showing any other activities. Then the feral cat will feel safe around you. Feral cats are very cautious; your fishy activity or attitude can make them flee away.
Give the food in front of them if possible; it’ll make them trust you more.
Step 4- Purchase Net, Trap/Cage, and Food Bait:
There are many cat foods, and nets are available in the market. While purchasing, remember to have smelly ones. And net should be attached with a handle; some net has shrinking mechanics in the handle.
According to your cat size, you should buy a cage or trap. If you already have them in your house, you are good to go.
Therefore, purchase the food, cage, and net for your fitting.
Step 5- Be Patient:
Don’t try to do things fast. Become patient is good for everything. Give them time to come and settle around you. Don’t provoke them; they may become violent, and you can get yourself injured.
Step 6- Serve the Bait:
Put the bait in place, where it can easily identify by the cat. However, if you purchase some smelly food as our suggestion, it wouldn’t be a problem to make them notice the food.
Step 7- Cover Yourself:
No matter how expert you are, it would be best to keep some protection for yourself. Don’t try to be valiant and got injured.
So, what protections are needed?
Obviously, something to cover your hand. Hand gloves or use something to cover your hand. If possible, cover your full hand. Some professionals also use an overcoat type something to cover them up fully. Also, don’t your shoes.
Step 8- Take A Big Old Towel:
Grab a piece of old cloth or towel to use it to cover the cat after netting it. Also, you have to use that cloth or towel while transferring the cat to a trap or cage. It will also help you with averting any injuries from the cat.
Step 9- Pick Your Equipment and Take Your Position:
Pick up all your staff (net, cage, towel) and take your position near the bait. Keep the net and cage out of the cat’s sight. Otherwise, it may get cautious and don’t bite on the bait.
Step 10- Let the Get Comfort and Move Behind Its Back:
Let the cat comfortable and eating without worry. In the meantime, you should take your position somewhere behind its back and have enough space to through your net. Don’t make noise or too much movement.
In front of the cat, do things slowly, that won’t make you suspicious.
Step 11- Cast the Net from the behind, Silently and Quickly:
Throw the net from behind with one hand on the handle and another hand to keep the net clear from getting messy. Never get too excited during this time, then your cast will be inaccurate, and the cat could flee away.
Should I need to mention which side of the net you need to cast? I don’t think so.
Well, another thing you can do, make the net mouth a little bit. So, even if your casting is little off the mark, it will compensate.
Step 12- Hold the Net with The Ground:
If your cat is under the net, hold the net firmly with the ground. This time, the cat will be violent and attempt to escape from the net. So, keep the handle with the ground and let the calm down.
During this time, stay away from the net’s length. Otherwise, the cat will try to get to you. You can also use your feet to stand on the handle.
Step 13- Stay Calm:
This is very important. Most people couldn’t keep calm during this time. They got too excited or panicked while the cat starts the stress out to escape from the net. Keep your posture, and stay calm.
Even if you missed in the first attempt, took the net and cast again correctly. Don’t need to panic.
Remember: don’t slam the cat with the ground or any other means to make it quiet.
Step 14- make the net short slowly and cover the cat with a towel:
Then, slowly make the net short if your net is long. Then, cover the cat with the cloth or towel. It will help him/her calm down. After the cat got to calm down, now you can start the transferring process to a cage or trap.
Step 15- Grasp the cat over the towel and put into a cage/trap:
Now the hard part, grasp the cat over the cloth and take your cage or trap. Then slowly put the feral cat into that cage. It may do some resistance, hold firmly but not brutally. Don’t worry; you are protected with several layers of protection.
Step 16- Remove the net slowly and Close the door:
Removing the net from the cat could be tricky. Sometimes, they got away during this time. So, use one hand to release the net and keep another hand on the cage door in case of a sudden run.
Then close the door.
Phew! You have done it! Congratulations!!
Frequently Asked Questions (F. A. Qs.)
How do you catch a smart feral cat?
- The best way to catch a feral cat is by using a trap that gets automatic lock after the move into the inside. There’re lots of available traps in the market.
- You should use paper to cover the floor of the trap.
- Cover the whole cage (except the entry) with a cloth. So, they clearly don’t know what’s inside.
- Put some smelly foods in the trap’s floor.
- Leave the trap around outside or a place where the feral cat usually visits.
- It’s better to choose a quiet place for the trap.
Also, you can try our given guidelines above to catch your feral cat with a net.
How do you catch a cat with a towel?

As we already talked about the matter in the steps-how to catch a feral cat with a net. You can use them as per the above instructions.
Otherwise, if you want to catch a cat with only a towel, that you shouldn’t try.
But yeah, you can grasp the cat with a towel while transferring from a trap or cage to another.
Or, you can try to use a big towel too, throwing on a cat, and catch it before coming out of the towel’s shadow.
It’s a very risky thing to do. There is a high probability for you to get injured to catch the cat in this method.
So, try to use an automatic trap or the instructions given above to catch the feral cat.
What is the best bait to catch feral cats?

Some popular cat’s baits are oiled tune, canned cat food, canned salmon, roaster or fried chicken, poultry, and sardines. Cats are highly attached to smelly foods with substantial protein and fats. They have a fine sense of smell so that they will seek out the food.
However, oiled fish and poultry are the most used food as bait to catch a feral cat.
What do you do with a feral cat?

What can you do after catching a feral cat! It’s best to contact an animal rehabilitation center to take a cat into their care.
You can try to socialize a feral cat, if possible.
If you aren’t able to make it socialize, then leave the cat in their outdoor colony home.
In case you can make it socialize, contact with the people who may want to adopt a cat in their home. Finding a good adoptive home is the best thing you can do for a feral cat.
Another thing you can do is neutering the feral cat and release it to the community.
Winding Up:
After reading this article, you should know “how to catch a feral cat with a net.” Even now, we don’t recommend you try it yourself. Contact with the local animal rehabilitation center. They will handle the rest.
But, if you want to catch a feral cat yourself, use a trap or follow our guidelines properly. Stay protected, use some smelly foods, use a towel to hold the cat; these are the main things you should always remember.
Well, guys, this is all for today. Let us your thought on How you prefer to catch a feral cat?