Do Or Can Turtles Pee?
Turtles are interesting creatures. We don’t know many things about them yet or aren’t sure. And, a question that people often have – do or can turtles pee?
The answer is yes; turtles can pee. In fact, they have to pee to get rid of the waste products they produce. When a turtle urinates, the urine is stored in a sac near the cloaca. The cloaca is the opening that turtles use for defecation and reproduction. When the sac is full, the turtle expels the urine through the cloaca.
And there are several questions regarding the turtle’s pee. In this blog, we will discuss those and answer some related queries. Hence, if you’re interested, hop on the ship.
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How Do Turtles Pee?
Turtle anatomy is different from ours, but they still have to go to the bathroom. And they have a well-developed system for getting rid of waste. So, how do turtles pee?
The urinary system of a turtle consists of two kidneys, a bladder, and a cloaca. The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine stored in the bladder. When the turtle is ready to relieve itself, the urine passes through the cloaca and out of the body.

However, turtles don’t have an anus, so all of their waste leaves their body through the cloaca. This includes not only urine but also solid waste like feces.
The cloaca is located at the base of the tail, and urine is passed through it using muscular contractions. It’s thought that male turtles might also use their cloaca to expel sperm during mating, but this has not been proven.
“We have covered an in-depth article on sea turtles; if interested, you can read our full article here.”
Do Turtles Pee When Picked Up?
It’s a common question asked by turtle enthusiasts, and the answer may surprise you. While turtles may not relieve themselves when picked up by humans, they are capable of doing so when they feel threatened or stressed.

If you’ve ever held a turtle in your hand and felt a warm, damp spot, there’s a good chance that your turtle has peed on you. And it’s perfectly natural for turtles to let out a little urine when they’re feeling stressed, excited, or scared.
Here’s a detailed article that may interest you: Why Do Turtles Pee When Picked Up?
Do Turtles Pee When Scared?
When a turtle is scared, its body goes into fight-or-flight mode, and it may release the uric acid (a urine-like substance) as a way to defend itself.
So, do turtles pee when scared? Yes, they do! However, it is important to note that not all turtles will react this way. Some turtles may simply curl up into a ball and remain still when frightened.
How Often Do Turtles Pee?
The answer to this question depends on the type of turtle. For example, sea turtles only urinate every few months because they live in saltwater. However, land turtles urinate every day or two.

In general, turtles urinate less often than other animals because they have a slower metabolism. But this doesn’t mean they don’t need to urinate at all. However, if a turtle doesn’t urinate for a long time, it could die.
Also, a turtle may urinate more often when it is hot outside and sweating a lot. On the other hand, a turtle may urinate less often when it is cold, and its body is not producing as much waste.
Do Turtles Pee in Their Shells?
No, turtles do not pee in their shell. They have an opening at the bottom of their shell that they use to excrete waste.
While turtles do have the ability to hold their urine in their shell, they generally don’t do so on a regular basis. Instead, they will only do so if they are ill or trying to conserve water.
What Does Turtle Pee Look Like?
Like all reptiles, turtles excrete uric acid as waste. It’s a white, crystalline substance that is relatively insoluble in water. And the pee looks like a clear, yellow liquid and is often compared to lemonade or urine.

However, a few things can affect the appearance of turtle pee. For example, if a turtle is dehydrated, its pee will be darker in color. Additionally, if a turtle has been eating a lot of fruits or vegetables, its pee may be a brighter color.
Do Red-Eared Slider Turtles Pee?
There is a common misconception that turtles don’t urinate. In fact, all turtles urinate (or have a similar process), including red-eared slider turtles.

So, the answer is yes, red-eared slider turtles do pee. They excrete waste in the form of urine, just like any other animal or turtle.
So, how often do red-eared slider turtles pee? Depending on factors, such as environmental temperature and the amount of water it’s drinking. In general, red-eared slider turtles will urinate several times a day.
Do Box Turtles Pee?
The truth is that, yes, box turtles do pee. Just like any other animal with a urinary system, box turtles expel waste in the form of urine. However, a few things make box turtles’ urinary habits unique.
For one, the frequency of urination can vary depending on the time of year. When box turtles actively grow and mate during the spring and summer, they tend to urinate more frequently than in fall and winter.

Additionally, the amount of urine a box turtle produces can also differ depending on the season. In the spring and summer, when they’re eating more and their metabolism is higher, box turtles produce more urine than in the other seasons.
Therefore, it’s worth noting that box turtles aren’t the only turtles that pee. In fact, all turtles pee. The process is just a little different for each species.
Is Turtle Pee Harmful to Humans?
It’s true! Turtle pee contains a substance called urea. Urea is a waste product produced when the body breaks down protein. When this substance is concentrated, it can be harmful to humans.
So, yes! Turtle’s pee can carry high levels of urea. And that can be detrimental for humans if ingested or made contact with the skin. Also, it can cause other health issues if you have a weak immune system.

FYI, ingesting turtle pee can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. Coming into contact with turtle pee can cause skin irritation and burns. Also, a turtle’s pee can create problems during the pregnancy.
Hence, if you come into contact with turtle pee, be sure to wash the area with soap and water as soon as possible. If you ingest turtle pee, drink plenty of fluids and immediately seek medical help.
Can Turtle Pee Cause Brain Damage?
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that turtle pee can cause brain damage. However, there are some potential risks associated with exposure to turtle urine.

Turtle urine can contain harmful bacteria that can cause infections. And it can also have toxins that can be dangerous to the brain if it comes to contact. But this isn’t verified or proven information.
Hence, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid contact with turtle urine if possible.
Does Turtle Pee Cause Warts?
Although this isn’t proven by research or science, several myths and old wives’ tales about turtle pee causing warts are well-known. And a few theories backed it from the behind.
One theory is that the bacteria in turtle pee can cause warts. Another is that the acid in turtle pee can eat away at the skin, causing warts. There is also a belief that turtle pee is contagious and can spread warts from one person to another.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, the belief is widespread. This may be because warts are often found on the hands and feet, the same body parts that come into contact with turtles. So, it’s better to be careful.
People Also Asked:
01. Do Turtles Pee Out of Their Mouth?
This may sound like a silly question, but it gets asked a lot! After all, turtles are strange creatures, so it’s not surprising that people are curious about their bodily functions.
The answer is no; turtles do not pee out of their mouth. They have a well-developed urinary system, and they excrete waste through their cloaca (a.k.a. vent), which is located at the base of their tail (we have discussed it above).
Some people may have believed that turtles pee out of their mouths because of a scene in the popular movie Finding Nemo. However, that is just a case of Hollywood artistic license – in reality, turtles cannot pee in this way.
02. Why Do Turtle Pee on Me?
There are a few reasons why your turtle might be peeing on you. It could be that your turtle is marking its territory, or it could be a sign of illness. Also, when turtles feel stressed or threatened, they could do the same.
Moreover, if your turtle isn’t used to handling by you or humans, it could pee on you as a defense mechanism. As you can see, several possibilities can cause this behavior. Find out yours.
03. Does Turtle Pee Stink/Smell?
Usually, turtle pee doesn’t stink or smell bad. In fact, it’s almost odorless. That’s because turtles excrete very little nitrogen in their urine. Nitrogen is what gives urine its characteristic odor.
But then why do some people claim their turtle’s pee smell bad? This can cause by several reasons like – the food they’re eating (fish), your turtles may suffering from dehydration or infection.
Final Saying:
Turtles are fascinating animals with a lot of unknowns. Hence people always come with some unique queries. And “do turtles pee” is one of them. And after reading this blog, you know that turtles have a well-developed urinary system.
They pee like most of the remaining reptiles. And, there are no turtle species that don’t pee. However, turtle’s pee could be harmful to humans and cause health issues. So, it’s best to be careful and keep clean.